Monday, February 20, 2012

Who's Afraid of Yoga Instructors?

All the brouhaha over how dangerous yoga can be—or not!—continues. “Don’t Be Intimidated By Your Yoga Instructor,” published on the wellness website, comes down on the yoga-is-good-for-you side of the argument. Check it out, and not just because I’m featured in it:

Namaste, Virginia Woolf!

The Year of Giving Continues….

Day 36 of 365
It’s Superbowl Sunday, and I gave the men in my life the gift of actually watching the game. Which was a heartbreaker for us New Englanders.

Day 37 of 365
I wrote a poem for a friend, and sent it to her.

Day 38 of 365
I found a local bakery that makes elephant ears—and I bought two pastries to share with a friend who loves them as much as I do.

Day 39 of 365
I helped a friend who had foot surgery recently return the wheelchair, walker, and other equipment she’d borrowed for her recovery

Day 40 of 365
Today I got a reclusive friend out of the house. Since I got laid off, I am beginning to understand how hard it can be sometimes just to get out of the house.

Day 41 of 365
Sometimes the best gift you can give someone is an apology. Today I said I was sorry to someone who was just trying to help. I am not always gracious as I should be to people who try to help me.

Day 42 of 365
Today I gave a friend a ride into the city, and paid the $47 parking.

Day 43 of 365
Today I played chauffeur to a neighbor whose car was in the shop.

Day 44 of 365
Today a former colleague asked for a reference—and I happily agreed.

Day 45 of 365
Today is Valentine’s Day—and I gave my sweetie two beautiful sweaters. But more important, I made him fried chicken for dinner.

Day 46 of 365
Today I gave a pep talk to a friend going through a divorce. Having been there myself, I know it will be the first of many.

Day 47 of 365
My son had his wisdom teeth removed today—and I was his chauffeur, cook, maid, and nurse. In other words, being his mom.

Day 48 of 365
Today I spent the day with my ailing son—and sat through the first season of Game of Thrones with him. Considering that there’s a decapitation in the very first scene, this was indeed a gift!

Day 49 of 365
I really need to give more of my books away, but I resist this more than I can say. But today, going through my bookshelf, I found unopened copies of Bryan Gruley’s well-reviewed books Starvation Lake and The Hanging Tree—and I gave them to my pal Phil.

Day 50 of 365
I gave a girlfriend suffering a bout of self-doubt a third-chakra bracelet of yellow quartz to inspire confidence.

Day 51 of 365
Today I volunteered to help do publicity for an upcoming charitable event. More on this to come.

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